Fleet Eco – ökologisch und ökonomisch fahren

Fleet Eco Drive - economical driving

KYBURZ Fleet Eco Drive promotes economic driving style and motivates the driver sustained, aware and to go ahead.

The KYBURZ Fleet Eco Drive fully supports an economical style of driving and motivates the driver to drive sustainably, consciously and proactively in anticipation of what is happening on the roads.

Reports about the quality and method of driving are transmitted to the driver.

The constant self-check leads to an improvement in the quality and method of driving.

As an incentive system, this process creates a healthy sense of competition amongst the team. Proactive, economical driving can result in savings of >10% of the operating costs while maintaining the same level of productivity.


  • Precise driving and consumption data from the CAN bus and G-sensor
  • Customer-specific weighting of Eco Drive Parameter
  • Feedback to the driver - directly or through a report
  • Positive incentive system supported by a driver app
  • Easy to install, for every commonly bought type of vehicle

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