der KYBURZ eRod in aktion

The eRod stands out and inspires: the central factor is the fun factor

"If you can drive the finished vehicle for the first time - that's already a cool feeling," Daniel Wenger remembers the maiden voyage with the eRod. "First I rolled slowly through the village until I could really accelerate out of town". Daniel Wenger is a vehicle engineer and project manager for the eRod at KYBURZ Switzerland and, as a test driver, has already covered thousands of kilometres with the electric car. He also had doubts about the reliability of his design, "but it only makes me nervous when others drive".

Fahrspass pur: der KYBURZ eRod

Unique driving experience thanks to the low seat position and the missing windshield

Daniel Wenger

Combustion engine was not an option
As a student he came into contact with Martin Kyburz as part of a project work at the University of Applied Science Berne in Biel and his idea for the construction of an electric passport vehicle. "Personally, I would have been happy about a petrol engine, but the idea came from Martin Kyburz - a combustion engine was never an option," says Daniel Wenger, who at the time did not think much of electric vehicles.

"Today I know what we can get out of the vehicle with this power and see a lot differently. "The low seating position and the lack of a windscreen give the car its unique driving feel," says Daniel Wenger. The otherwise rather quiet guy then begins to talk about reactions: "The eRod is extremely striking. The people on the roadside react, they think it's cool. Already twice during a red phase at a traffic light the driver behind me got out and came forward for a short conversation"

New projects in sight 
The 24-year-old will continue to be interested in accompanying a project from start to finish. Will it be a sports car again? "It may, but it doesn't have to. It will be electric, that is the future!

What I particularly appreciate about the way KYBURZ works is the fact that there is a boss who is present and with whom you can talk". A CEO whom he would see once a year would be less appealing to him. The Frenchman feels at home in German-speaking Switzerland and can even imagine living and working abroad for a while. "But at some point it will probably draw me back to Welschland.

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The eRod is a puristic road legal sports car (EU and CH). Uncompromising in terms of technology and handling, it offers passionate drivers maximum driving pleasure. The powerful electric drive provides the thrust that gives pleasure...
Pure driving - on the race track as well as on the pass road.
A ride with the eRod is an incomparable appearance and an individual statement.