Die Isländische Post Fährt KYBURZ DXP

KYBURZ DXP for mail delivery in Iceland

Posturinn, the national Post of Iceland, is KYBURZ customer since 2016. The questions were answered by Hannes Gudmundsson, who is in charge of operational development. He is also responsible for all postal branches and postal delivery outside Reykjavik.

How did you hear about the KYBURZ company?
A few years ago I was at the international Post Expo with a delegation and saw the KYBURZ delivery vehicles for the first time. At that time we were testing two-wheeled scooters from different manufacturers and were disappointed in terms of quality. We have quite special climatic conditions in Iceland!

Why did you choose the DXP?

It took quite a while until we took a closer look at the company and the vehicle. KYBURZ has a lot of experience in the field of electro mobility and has good references. The fact that the DXP is electrically driven is very convenient for us: In Iceland, we are well equipped for electricity production. We also liked the three-wheel concept right from the start. While distributing, the tedious jacking up on the stands is no longer necessary – this massively increases safety.

How do the postmen appeciate the new vehicles?
(Laughs) They love them, really. There was an employee, for example, who wasn't supposed to work on the DXP and still had the opportunity to take it one day: He didn't want to give it back.

What is your personal opinion?
I think it was a good investment. We also know the management is behind us. It's the future of mail delivery in Iceland.

Is there anything else you would like to add?
I am happy about the partnership with the KYBURZ company.The support gives me a good feeling. I hope we can purchase more DXP in the future.