Fabian Hächler organisiert den internationalen Handel bei KYBURZ

His home is all over the world: logistics technician Fabian Hächler makes KYBURZs wheels spin

His job is to ensure that all components for KYBURZ vehicles are purchased from the best supplier at the best quality and price, and delivered at the right time so that production never comes to a standstill. Fabian Hächler leads the eight-man purchasing and logistics team.

Fabian Hächler took the opportunity to join KYBURZ Switzerland in 2010 immediately after completing his logistics studies. The 29-year-old now enjoys the variety, the frequent travelling and the opportunity to get to know foreign cultures.

In addition, he has a say in everything, brings in his experience and gives valuable tips.

Still ”swiss made“
”If it is financially possible, we have the components manufactured in Switzerland, even if they are up to ten percent more expensive. But often there is no such manufacturer in Switzerland. And the batteries we need are only available in China," says Fabian. He has also defined the module depth for each supplier. Wherever it makes sense, certain components are pre-assembled. "But we are still 'swiss made', because more than 60 percent of the value added is generated here in Germany. For example, all the electronics come from Switzerland", he adds.

A cup of tea with the boss
Its main task is to conclude good framework agreements with suppliers. But in certain countries, the best contracts are useless. In Taiwan, for example, it is much more important to drink a few cups of tea with the head of a partner company so that the delivery can be carried out as desired, Fabian smiles and adds: "The important thing is the active contact, which we maintain every Tuesday with Skype meetings lasting several hours.

Private matters are also discussed there. Our guiding principle is: we treat our suppliers just as well as our customers. I can visit any of our partners at any time and always get a warm welcome." Vehicle production in Switzerland only works with a supply chain in which all suppliers know each other well. In this way, KYBURZ is able to exploit optimum synergies from the individual part to the finished assembly so that quality and price are unbeatable.

Fabian Hächler not only negotiates new deliveries but also puts new suppliers to the test. It is important that they work in an environmentally friendly manner: "We audit every company according to a precise checklist. Waste disposal and employee protection are also issues. Our requirements have always been met in China and Taiwan, and in Italy, for example, they have not been.

A turning point in the company
The logistics team is a fulcrum in the company. On the one hand there are the development, the assembly, the service department, the suppliers, on the other hand there are the visions for the future. Fabian Hächler and his team are right in the middle of it, ensuring that the individual gears mesh perfectly. The eRod poses a challenge because it travels faster than 45 km/h and requires new certificates. In some cases, this also means new suppliers. Key words are oil pressure, brake pedals, steering wheel or brake shoes - a new era. Fabian was able to get some existing partners enthusiastic about the eRod so that they could stay "on board", even for a small series. But we did this knowing that KYBURZ has great potential.