Siemens eRod auf dem Messestand

eRod as Siemens eye-catcher: KYBURZ supports the trade fair appearence of Siemens PLM software

Why is the KYBURZ eRod for Siemens PLM Software from Belgium on the stand at the international trade fair? "Because it looks cool," is the straightforward and spontaneous answer from Joelle Beuzit, Marketing Manager at KYBURZ eRod. But there's much more to it than that.

Siemens PLM Software is a highly specialized company and supplies systems for the development of vehicles. "Our products help improve vehicle development," explains Joelle Beuzit. Siemens PLM Software supplies sensors and especially software for data evaluation. Using these tools, engineers can, for example, improve the aerodynamics, energy management, acoustics or durability of a vehicle prototype and investigate how vibrations and oscillations move through the vehicle.

Open construction as an advantage
"The big advantage is the open design of the KYBURZ vehicle," adds Joelle Beuzit. Sensors can be easily mounted and wired. At the fair, the eRod will be equipped with a wide variety of sensors. Visitors to the fair should be made aware of the products from Siemens PLM Software. "An exhibition needs an eye-catcher." The KYBURZ eRod in white and with light accents in the company color attracts many glances! Between its trade show appearances, the vehicle is measured using the company's own systems. The data gained will also be used in the further development and improvement of the eRod.

eRod self-assembled
Business Development Manager Jan Debille travelled all the way to Switzerland to assemble the vehicle himself at KYBURZ. "We had a lot of fun doing it," he remembers. And if there's time for a trip overland: KYBURZ Switzerland wishes the employees of Siemens PLM Software a safe trip!


Siemens Techniker am Steuer des eRod

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eRod – pure driving!
The eRod is a puristic street legal sports car (EU and CH). Uncompromising in terms of technology and handling, it offers passionate drivers maximum driving pleasure. The powerful electric drive provides the thrust that gives pleasure...

Pure driving - on the race track as well as on the pass road.
A ride with the eRod is an incomparable appearance and an individual statement.